„Kunst ist Magie. Befreit von der Lüge, Wahrheit zu sein.“ Theodor W. Adorno
Colour linocut from lost and masked plate, 18 x 24 cm, 2024lucid dreamers (mixed media on watercolor paper, embroidered details, 30 x 30 cm, 2024)lucid dream: the poem / himmelhoch (mixed media, collage on watercolor paper, 30×30 cm, 2024)lucid dream: mimesis/ sitting in the tree and feel the unreal pain (watercolor and pencil on watercolor paper, 30×30 cm, 2024)lucid dream: mimesis / rain must fall (pt. 1, mixed media, collage on watercolor paper, 30 x 30 cm, 2024)lucid dream: mimesis/ bathtime (pt. 2, mixed media, collage on watercolor paper, 30 x 30 cm, 2024)lucid dream: catharsis/ birth of a feather (ink on watercolor paper, 30 x 30 cm, 2024) lucid dream: catharsis/ growth (ink, watercolor and pencil on watercolor paper, 30×30 cm)lucid dream: epilogue/ shadows of white (ink on watercolor paper, 30 x 30 cm, 2024)Cospudener See (ink and pencil, 21 x 30 cm, 2024)Penzance – based on a song by Patrick Wolf (watercolor and ink drawing, 30 x 30 cm, 2024)
Der Wunsch (color etching from two plates, 2009)Der Wunsch, Detail (Farbradierung)Tanzspiel (etching, reservage, 30×30 cm, 2009)Clinch (color etching from two plates, 2009)Clinch (Detail)He might be bad (color aquatint etching from two plates, 10×15 cm 2007)Die kleine Pilzsammlerin (aquatint etching, 10×15 cm 2007)Seeschlacht (aquatint etching, 10×15 cm, 2007)Borderline / we don’t believe in the sun (etching, reservage, imprint, 20×30 cm, 2009)Karen IV (line etching, 2007)Her (etching, reservage, mezzotint, 2008)Marrie pt.1 (pen drawing, 20×30 cm, 2008)Marrie pt.2 (pen and ink, 30×40 cm, 2008)Marriechen #3 (mixed media, 2014)Marriechen #3 (Detail)Marriechen #3 (Detail)Marriechen #4 (mixed media, 2014)Die Verzauberung der N.Süss locken die Blumen des Bösen (mixed media, 2014)Glasmenagerie (pencils and paint, 2014)Falling from grace (Graphit, Pastell, Textmarker, 2014)Mary, child and neonpink roses (charcoal, pastell, marker, 2014)I could be anyone (charcoal, graphite, 2014)